申请友链 | Link Exchange
We support and welcome all webmasters to exchange links here, and we also look forward to the visit of some top tier websites.
We are willing to cooperate with bloggers that are sharing their own thoughts, network technology, and software resources by the same way as this site; we do not mind forums, as long as the content is positive and upward, it is sufficient.
Refuse pornographic, gambling, drug trafficking, illegal film and television sites, sites that vulnerable to cyber attacks, and borderline sites.
Keys | Values |
Site Name | 极客藏源 (Geek Collection) |
URL | https://www.gkcoll.xyz |
Icon Url | https://www.gkcoll.xyz/favicon.ico |
Logo | https://www.gkcoll.xyz/logo.png |
Desc | 探索互联网新大陆 in N ways. |
Desc (EN) | Exploring the New World of Internet in N ways. |
- 必须是首页挂链,本站便是如此;
- 新建站未达 1 个月勿申,请新站站长好好先熟悉一下这片江湖;
- 无法保证长期维持友链关系者勿申;
- 未告知情况下单方面删除友链者有发现将删除友链,再不与之为友链关系;
- 老规矩,这是贵站主动申请友链(本站为被动),请先添加在贵站添加本站链接(在首页),然后在下方评论发送申请,站长审核完后即处理。