Python - Calculate The Base Of Natural Logarithm

用 Python 计算自然对数的底数——常数 e


Constant e is the base of natural logarithm. Normally, we will only use its head few digits valuation.

In some situations, we may need to calculate a high precision e, or test performance of your computer, we could try to compute it by formula:

Code Example

from fractions import Fraction as F
from decimal import Decimal as D
from decimal import getcontext
from math import factorial as f

def calc(series: int, prec: int=300):
    getcontext().prec = prec
    e = 2
    for i in range(2, series + 1):
        e += F(1, f(i))
    # Convert Fraction to Decimal is not supported.
    return D(e.numerator)/ D(e.denominator)

NOTE: In the code, I reserve the use of fractions for the results to prevent loss of precision when converting to other types.


Call the function calc in your program.

Parameter intro

  • series: Specify how deep to calculate to
  • prec: Precision (digits) of decimal part.


print(calc(100, 500))

